Monday, December 5, 2005

Pressure is on, Chef Having us cater his Xmas party

Pressure is on Chef has us catering his Xmas party


Well one of our better local chefs hired us in to cater their Christmas
party this year. He runs the Redlands Mesa Grill. Nice place makes neat
stuff. I have known him for years, he is creative and very good at the
culinary arts. So out of professional courtesy I thought I should try
and make something special for him as well. Chef Al (Big Dog Chef) is
making his spinach rolls, Chef Mike is making Seafood Cups, and EC Zane
will be doing something. So I stopped in this morning to watch Al try to
burn the kitchen down. (He can Explain that) while I came up with
something creative to help out.

Lamb laying around, vegetables, and ricotta along with Parmesan cheese.
Ah wonton wrappers, ravioli it is!

So just so you can try it to:

Sweat in bacon fat; Spinach greens, red onion, celery, bell pepper (red)
garlic, down then add into it, thyme, rosemary, salt, pepper, little red
pepper, parsley and oregano. (about a cup of each vegetable) Herbs to

Brown up the 2# ground lamb with salt, pepper, thyme and rosemary, After
browning add 2 cups Merlot (remember you are ruining the wine when
cooking it, so use a cheaper merlot liked the box stuff) Reduce buy 90
percent. Drain.

In a food processor puree the veggies dump into the mixer with a wire
whisk in the head. get it moving, add in 1 quart ricotta, 1/2 quart
grated parm and keep it mixing, add in six eggs one at a time, then add
in the browned meat. Taste and Adjust.

Use 3/4 oz scoop and place four to a wonton wrapper, egg wash around the
meat scoops, place another wonton on top and press together. Cut into
for ravioli and place on sheet pan lined with parchment paper.

Boil off and serve with a mint sauce collected to the meat with thyme in

Taste testing in the kitchen says it worked well. Talk at you tomorrow
as I have to make up Pheasant Pierogi for a Wednesday party.

Chef Bob Ballantyne

The Cowboy and The Rose Catering

Grand Junction, Colorado, USA

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